Marriage as a Three Legged Stool (Video Blog)

Somewhere between the you and the me in marriage, there is the couple-ship. In this video I will share it represented as a three legged stool.

The strength of each leg of the stool is equally necessary for the seat to be balanced and strong enough to bear the weight of the marriage. One leg is his. One leg is hers. And, one leg is the couple-ship. Above these three legs, lies the seat of the stool where the marriage sits. In theory, if all legs of the stool are strong, the seat will be strong. However, if two legs are supportive and sturdy, but the third is not, then the seat will tip. It simply cannot be supported with only two strong legs underneath it—it is critical for all three legs to be strong.

What I find beautiful in any marriage is if both husband and wife are willing to look at their part, seek health and healing, and be the strongest they can be individually. Then, when they come together they will each be in a much better place to collaboratively address the couple-ship work.


Balance and Alignment with Yourself - Your Head, Heart and Gut (Video Blog)


Beautifully Broken